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About Us

BR Cool Brands was developed by Porto Sul, an exporter of Brazilian cosmetics. Our goal is to bring fascinating Brazilian cosmetics brands to the world, through partner distributors and our e-commerce store. But many ask us why to buy Brazilian cosmetics? Because Brazil is the fourth largest cosmetics market in the world and one of the most important producers. We use, in addition to the best world ingredients, products from the richest Brazilian biodiversity. The result is the production of high quality cosmetics that deliver wonderful results to customers and always with a beautiful presentation and competitive prices.

To do this with excellence, we use the Bigcommerce platform - one of the best in the world - and we deliver our products with agility using the services of UPS and FedEx.

Our products go straight from the factory in Brazil to your home. Enjoy!

We are Porto Sul Exportadora e Importadora Ltda
CNPJ: 19.791.394/0001-71
Rua Osvaldo Cruz, 7 

Igrejinha - RS - CEP: 95.650-000